1 to 10 of 56
  • Quit Saying If Only - These Words Can Hold You Back
    by Beverly Jones - July 25, 2018
    If only I’d done more networking, I’d be able to find a new job.” “If only they’d stop bothering me with trivial meetings, I could finish this project.” “If only I’d gotten that promotion, I wouldn’t hate this company.” “If only I were younger, I bet they’d listen.” One of the more self-destructive phrases used in discussing careers is...
  • 7 Excuses For Not Networking & How To Move Beyond Them
    by Beverly Jones - March 14, 2018
    You already know that, for most professionals, a broad, diverse social network is vital to career success. Career support is just one of the benefits that tend to flow to a person with many connections. The importance of being embedded in a vibrant network is so great that social scientists are studying how it impacts the uneven distribution of opportunity and wealth in our society. In their fascinating book...
  • Motivate Your Colleagues by Creating Memorable Moments
    by Beverly Jones - January 10, 2018
    People like to be appreciated. In fact, we need it. If a friend or colleague offers us a warm and sincere “thank you,” we tend to feel acknowledged and validated. And each little expression of gratitude might help create a sense of connection between those giving and receiving thanks. Psychologists say that feeling appreciated promotes a healthy sense that we are valuable and that our life has meaning. And go...
  • Here's One Man's Formula for Loving His Work Life
    by Beverly Jones - November 7, 2017
    I book my haircuts three months in advance because Jason Holloway, my hairdresser, has a full calendar and a long waitlist. Jason sometimes works just 4 days a week, and he sees clients only 6 to 8 hours a day. Unlike other studio owners I've known, he never double books in order to squeeze in a second client for a quick cut while the first in that time block waits for her color to take. I love that, once I reach...
  • Are You Sick and Tired of Work? Is Loneliness Part of the Problem?
    by Beverly Jones - August 15, 2017
    It’s now clear that social connection improves physical health and overall well-being. Research suggests that people who feel connected are more likely than their peers to recover quickly from illness and live a long life. And connected people have lower levels of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and chronic negativity. On the other hand, loneliness can make you sick, attacking your immune system and even changing...
  • How to Bounce When Work is a Drag
    by Beverly Jones - August 8, 2017
    Most of us have periods of misery, when it seems like our careers are caught in a downward spiral. Sometimes the trigger is big and in-your-face, like the arrival of a new leader who wants to change everything about your job and mission. But at other times you just gradually lose hope, until thinking about your career leaves you wallowing in despair. So what do you do if you can’t find a way to leave your job, but...
  • 8 Keys to Career Resilience
    by Beverly Jones - May 4, 2017
    It’s been almost a year since Career Press published my book on creating career resilience, Think Like an Entrepreneur, Act Like a CEO. Being a first-time author has been an adventure, involving lots of events, discussions, reviews and radio interviews, as well as a good bit of feedback from readers. I’ve noticed that some of the book’s suggestions for navigating the work world grab the most reader atte...
  • Want to create change? Short bursts of targeted work may get you further, faster.
    by Beverly Jones - April 19, 2017
    Like most successful professionals, you probably respect the power of hard work. But might you define 'working hard' too narrowly? When things aren't going well, it's tempting to redouble your efforts on your major projects. But sometimes a better use of a few hours may be to concentrate briefly but intensely on other things that you've been avoiding. 'Angela,' an attorney in a large company, learned through...
  • Are Things Tough At Work? Try 5 Strategies That Can Help
    by Beverly Jones - March 7, 2017
    Most of us have periods of misery, when it seems like our careers are caught in a downward spiral. Sometimes the trigger is big and in-your-face, like the arrival of a new leader who wants to change everything about your job and mission. But at other times you just gradually lose hope until thinking about your career leaves you wallowing in despair. So what do you do if you can't find a way to leave your job, but it...
  • If Political Talk At Work Is Making You Crazy...
    by Beverly Jones - July 25, 2016
    We’ve all heard that it’s not smart to talk about contentious issues, like politics or religion, at the office. Some companies even have rules against discussing political and other potentially inflammatory matters in the workplace.And most of us agree, at least in theory, that it’s wise to avoid talking politics with your colleagues. And yet in this election season it seems that a rising tide of workers are complaining tha...